It's time to be recommitted to blogging. I've been a slacker due to illness and holidays, but today I'd like to make a fresh start.
My husband does yard care for a living, and like everyone that works in yard care, he frequents gas stations. While at one particular gas station he met a man that distributes a health care product that has changed his family and friends lives. Having struggles with many different health issues over my life, I've heard it all. "This product does this. This product does that. If you take this you will never be sick again." I got sick of listening to people tell me how great their product was. Whatever I tried never worked. This man told my husband about this product and I had a sudden change of heart. This one sounds amazing!
Yesterday, we got our first shipment of the product, Youngevity, and I've started taking it today. I've decided I'd like to keep a record of my progress over the next month or more. The thing that caught my attention about this product is that all it is is pure nutrients. It's all plant derived. Not a single portion of it is synthetic. Our bodies can't absorb synthetic nutrients. All of the over the counter vitamins and minerals we buy do us almost no good.
My symptoms today include, a horrible sinus infection, to the point of my sinuses bleeding. A double ear infection. Like everyday, fatigue, joint pain, random shooting pains in random parts of my body. About three weeks ago I suffered a miscarriage, so my cycle has been completely disrupted. I have abdominal pains from ovarian cysts. I always deal with anxiety issues as well as depression, but the depression is well under control and has been for several years. I've been obese for about eight years. Today I don't have a migraine, but I do often get them for weeks at a time and often every day. I also have chronic back pain.
Most people start noticing a slight difference within a week, and a great difference in a month. Most people are completely healed from their illnesses in three months. Here's to hoping! (I feel really good about this.)
Please tell me how this works! I am excited to see how you feel in a week!
ReplyDeleteI will for sure! I can tell you, it's only been 5 days, but I am feeling better already!!!